The moment when you truly realize that God doesn't exist (and you profoundly have no doubts about it anymore) is quite vulnerable and confusing. How, no anyone at all who will protect me in hard times? no any justice here, really? I can be "a good girl" all my life and end it up in shit? Noone there cares? There's nothing after death? This is my first and last life? Though I've been independent and self-responsible for all my actions and their consequences, that moment of ultimate understanding was a bit ... weird. And you start to think - have I been all that time such a person because I believed in some "Divine Plan"? Now I'm completely (absolutely) alone and nobody will help if I need it? .. But this moment is short. Very soon you start to realize that nothing changed - you re the same person, your values are the same, because they have been developed independently of God existence idea. Your problems seem even less important because now it's really just "life", the physical existence of one of millions other species developed by evolution, and it happened that my specie has intelligence. So, nothing changed - still your measure is your own conscience, your own understanding of what is good and what is bad.
And after all, to live without God is easier. You feel stronger - because you know that you can count just on yourself and when you feel anxious and lonely, you don't need to pray, you just can find power inside yourself. Embrace yourself, calm your fears down, I understand now that its possible, sometimes its very hard but you can be your own saviour.
You yourself are enough.